
Company Profile

 Established  Janualy,1973
 Capital  JP¥5,000,000
 RepresentativeDirector  Hitoshi Nomata
 Company Location  Mainoffice,Factory
 326-4 Shihonmatsu-Cho,Minami-ku
 Hamamatsu City,Shizuoka,Japan
 Tel +81-53-426-2824 Fax +81-53-425-5518

 Company of sales and repair in Thailand
 KNN Technology(Thailand)Co.,Ltd.
 26/360Moo. 18Phaholyothin Rd. Klongnueng.Klongluang.
 TEL +66-2-529-4965 FAX +66-2-529-4328
 Business enterprise  Manufacture,Sales and service of cemented carbide
   tipped saw blade,cemented carbide cutters,
   diamond blades and tools
 □Sales of products related to printed board processing
 Main Clients  Well-known Japanese woodworking machinery manufacture
 Well-known Japanese blade product manufacturers, etc.
 MainBanks  ShizuokaBank
 Enshu Credit Association
 Hamamatsu Credit Association

Company Hisory

 Jan.1973  -Estabiished at Nakajima-Cho,Hamamatsu City as an
 outsourcing company for woodworking machinery
 Jan.1979  -Business location moved to Hougawa-Cho,Hamamatsu City.
 Jan.1983  -Full automatic grinding machinery introduced.
 May.1986  -Incorporation of business.
 Oct.1987  -Business location moved to Shihonmatsu-Cho Hamamatsu City.
 -Fuily automatic brazing machinery introduced.
 -Began nationwide sales as a tipped saw blade manufacturer.   
 Aug.1990  -Automatic tension press machinery introduced.
 -Moved to new location within the same district to
 accommodate business expansion.
 Nov.2002  -Automatic grinding machinery for metal-working
 tipped saws introduced.
 Nov.2003  -Automatic grinding machinery for metal-working tipped saws,
 measuring instruments and automatic brazing machinery introduced.
 May.2004  -Manufacture and sales of cold saws and throw-away
 cold saws started.

 Nov.2006  -Automatic brazing machinery introduced.
 Jan.2007  -Automatic grinding machinery introduced.
 Feb.2008  -Sales and service enterpnse established in Thailand.
 -Automatic brazing machinery and automatic
 grinding machinery introduced.
 Apr.2010  -Camera type measuring instruments introduced.

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